Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Articles & Forums

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hey Warrior, to increase your adsense earing you can use you google id in all these sites when some one read your article or post or click on google adsense with in the page of your post or article you earn money through your google adsense account

How to find Google Adsense Id?
  1. Login to your google adsense account
  2. In report area you will find it at upper right site of webpage as Publisher ID: pub-**************** with 16 digital number

How To Use Your Google Adsense Id?
  1. Register to post or articles
  2. Login 3.go to edit profile area where you can add your google adsense id

How Much You Will Earn? Most of these sites offer 50% other sites offer 100% some sites offer 50% plus 10% if form your referral 1st FORUM please when they as who refer you please use my id on each site thnx

1) Digital Points

 is a form site for webmasters This forum displays one advertisement in the upper right area as well is inline when viewing a thread.use Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content on the page. Google pays AdSense publishers on a per click basis as well as per impression. MY ID :ha198000

2) HTTP Point

 is a forum for webmasters 50% of the ads are shared between the participants of a certain thread and HTTPpoint. The more you participate the better for you. And you also need to have a minimum of 10 posts to earn money from adsense my id :ha198000

3) Work From

 is a forum about working from home After you’ve racked up 50 posts, the revenue sharing kicks in. On every thread you start, one out of three page views will display your AdSense ID instead of that of This means that when people click the ads on your threads, you earn money. my id:ha198000

4) Zizula Forums

 is a general forum. Percantage varies, for example new members may only get 10%, whilst veteran members may get 80%. my id:ha198000


 is a forum for web masters. givers posters 100% of the AdSense Revenue on all posts The person that creates the first post of a thread will have their ad shown 90% of the time and the last person to reply will have their ad shown 10% of the time. my id :ha198000

6) PromoJunkie

Very important forum with helpfull information alot of traffic Webmaster Forums - Website Promotion - covering all topics - web promotion, search engine optimazation, website templates, and much more resources for Webmasters. Are you a Webmaster in need of website promotion Resources? Everyday, thousands of people are earning money through web-based businesses and so can you with the help of our Webmaster Resources site offer you more information and products that will hopefully help you expand your webmaster knowledge and help you succeed in all your online ventures.

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Readmore - Google Adsense Revenue Sharing Articles & Forums

How to Make Money Online With Search Engines!

There are an endless variety of different ways that you can generate income online, and some of the best ways to do this is using search engines. These engines are how people find things on the internet today, and so there are a great number of ways that you can utilize search engines in order to make it possible for you to make lots of money online.

The first thing that you are going to want to do in order to make money online with search engines is to make a list of the best or most important engines. How many search engines can you name off of the top of your head? Google, Yahoo, MSN,, any others?

There are actually thousands of search engines online, but most of them are underground. The list that you make should include the most common search engines and any of the niche engines that will benefit your cause.

Next you are going to want to find and develop a niche method for the website that you are going to build. This should be a specific niche that has a defined group of followers and that is going to allow you to attract people to your website. Choose a niche that is not over saturated, but that is still popular enough to turn a following. Use keyword tools like the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to determine what types of niches and keywords are out there.

Source :
Readmore - How to Make Money Online With Search Engines!

Make Money Online With Search Engines

The next step is going to be for you to develop a website. You can do it yourself, or you may consider hiring a professional to help you. It is very advisable that you work with a good company for website promotions if you do not have all the know-how yet yourself. In this phase you are going to want to make your site search engine friendly using methods like site mapping, robots.txt, meta tags, keyword optimization and other similar techniques for search engine marketing and search engine optimization.

The last, and the most important step in this process is to take your SEO even further. You do not have to be a professional SEO marketer in order to be able to do well in the search engine rankings, and you do not have to buy expensive marketing tools to make a dent in the search engine results either.

You simply must make an effort to learn the various tricks of the trade when it comes to search engine optimization such as outbound and inbound linking, keyword optimized website content and so on. These methods may take work, but they will surely pay off in the end when you are able to earn an income from the various search engines.

When you set things up the right way, and when you do the right things for a while, you will begin to make money online as the search engines will send interested people to your website. All it takes is getting the attention of the search engines in the right way, and they will drive the traffic to you.

Source :
Readmore - Make Money Online With Search Engines

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