SEO for Yahoo stores I

Tuesday, March 22, 2011 Read Comment
SEO for Yahoo stores IThis webpage is designed for people to learn more about “Yahoo SEO”. The first part of the page is about SEO for people with Yahoo stores. If you are interested in “SEO for a Yahoo store”, keep reading. Click here, to go to the bottom of this page which talks about “Yahoo SEO” for a general website.

What are Yahoo Stores?

Yahoo! provides services such as Yahoo! Domains, Yahoo! Web Hosting, Yahoo! Merchant Solutions, Yahoo! Business Email, and Yahoo! Store to small business owners and professionals allowing them to build their own online stores using Yahoo!'s tools. Yahoo stores provide people with both an easy and low cost way to create an online presence for their business.

Our research is pointing to a 50% growth in the number and popularity of Yahoo stores since 2005. We’re finding that most Yahoo stores are relatively small (less then 5 employees). However, we are also finding that with an aggressive marketing plan, these same Yahoo stores are achieving very impressive growth rates.

We are continually surprised and the number and quality of yahoo stores. We are finding that the single biggest determining factor in the success of an online business is the commitment to an online marketing plan. The quality of the SEO for your Yahoo store will have a significant on the success of your online business.

What makes some online stores successful?

In our experience, a successful online yahoo store needs several things

• Competitive price
• Relatively expensive products
• High conversion rates
• Good online visibility & marketing.

These all aren’t necessary for success. But, they’re all very important. In this article, we’re going to talk about the last three.

Relatively expensive products

We encourage our client to sell expensive items. This is because we have found only a weak correlation between the price of the product we’re promoting and the difficulty in promoting it. For example, let’s assume that we have Widget “A” and Widget “B”.

Let’s assume that Widget “A” is $100 and Widget “B” is $10. In this case, it would be probably that if we spent 100 hrs promoting each product that the traffic to Widget “A” would only be slightly less than the traffic to Widget “B”.

If the conversion rates of people interested in both widgets are the same, then the vendor selling Widget “A” is going to make approximately 10 times as much money as Widget “B”. I’ve simplified things slightly, but the basic idea holds true. It’s hard to be successful if your products are under $50. It’s best if they’re over $200.

High conversion Rates

I think that this if fairly self-explanatory. If 1000 people/month visit your website, and 10% of the visitors purchase the $200 product I talked about above, your website is going to do $20,000 in revenue/month. If your average order size if over $100, and your conversion rate is high, then you don’t need a large amount of traffic to be successful.

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