What Is Social Media Marketing?

Sunday, March 20, 2011 Read Comment
What Is Social Media Marketing?If you fall into any one of the following categories, like:
  • the ones who don't know much or anything about social media,
  • the ones who are interested but don't know how to use it and
  • those who don't believe in the value that a social media strategy can bring to any site or business
you must read this article to know how big a deal is social media and the enormous benefits of social media marketing.

Social media is information content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies that is intended to facilitate communications, influence and interaction with peers and with public audiences. This is typically done via the Internet and mobile communications networks. Today this practice is being enjoyed by executives and professionals for brand exposure and marketing.

Do you make these mistakes to market your brand or services?

Use Yellow page ads that cost thousands of dollars, yet bring in little new business?
Spend money on direct mailers that also have limited results.
How about money spent on print advertising. How effective is it?
Are you spending lots of money optimizing your website but still have little traffic.
Spend money on Pay Per Click Advertising Campaigns, with limited results.

Can you improve your business if you know:
  • What is being said about you.
  • What your customers think about your product or service.
  • What your customers really want.
  • What your competitors are doing.
  • How to stay up to date with the latest trends and developments.
  • How to make your business more profitable.

Nothing provides a better return on investment than having a network of people raving about you and it doesn't matter what product or service you sell. So let's have a look onto the benefits of social media viral marketing.

Source : www.articlesbase.com/smo-articles/what-is-social-media-marketing-841087.html


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